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Gungame 5 and source mod voting

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 5:55 pm
by -ERW-D_A_M_A_G_E
I want to use source mod for voting, but every time I enable it and set the trigger it does not bring any vote up, just uses the map cycle text. Using source mod version 1.0.3 ,evenscripts,metamod
these arethe commands I had set in the config.

gg_map_vote 2
gg_map_vote_command "sm_map_vote"

are the quotes not supposed to be in the vote command above ???

Any help would be great .
Thanks for an awesome mod.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:57 pm
by RideGuy
Does sm_map_vote take any other parameter?

Re: Gungame 5 and source mod voting

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 7:25 pm
by -ERW-D_A_M_A_G_E
When I run that command in console in my server it gives me this back...

] rcon sm_vote_map
"sm_vote_map" = "0.60" min. 0.050000 max. 1.000000
- percent required for successful map vote.

and nothing happens, I`m not sure about the other variables. The reason I would like to use sm is to vote back and forth between standard cs maps and gg maps.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:29 pm
by Saul
gg_map_vote_command should be set to sm_nextmap ;)

Re: Gungame 5 and source mod voting

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:32 pm
by -ERW-D_A_M_A_G_E
I will try that and get back with you. Thanks :D


PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 12:12 am
by crazypip666
Saul wrote:gg_map_vote_command should be set to sm_nextmap ;)

No, gg_map_vote_command is the command that gg_map_vote runs if it is set to 2. If the server is running mani, then the command is ma_voterandom end "number of maps to include", gg_default_addons also includes examples of the commands for BeetlesMod and SourceMod. sm_map_vote is listed as what the command should be if you use SourceMod.

What happens if you just run sm_vote_map on your server? Don't include rcon, just try and run it in console. See if you get the same thing without rcon, and see if you get the same thing when GunGame is disables because you are on a non gg map.

Re: Gungame 5 and source mod voting

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:07 am
by -ERW-D_A_M_A_G_E
sm_nextmap does not work and I am using gg_vote 2 which is for third party plugins ie mani,beetles,source mod... with the example command, and that doesn`t work either... if you just use source mod it has no way of knowing when the round is about to end it needs gungame to trigger it in console if you run the sm command without rcon it will be local not to the server .

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:34 am
by crazypip666
Are you running it through hlsw or something? If you go into your server and type sm_mapvote in console it will run a map vote unless there is something wrong with SourceMod which is why I am asking you to do it. I want to know if the issue is a problem with SourceMod not running the vote correctly, or just with GunGame not triggering the map vote.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:56 am
by Warren
Basically, gg_map_vote_command just executes a server-side command.

If I go into a server with Mani installed and type:
rcon ma_voterandom end 4
it will pop up a 4 map mapvote.
This is why, for Mani, gg_map_vote_command "ma_voterandom end 4" is correct.

You need to find which sourcemod command can trigger a map vote through rcon, and then us that as the gg_map_vote_command (without rcon in front).

Re: Gungame 5 and source mod voting

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:38 am
by -ERW-D_A_M_A_G_E
Sorry for the confusion sm_mapvote does popup a map vote and that was the command I couldn`t seem to find. Thanks will change it to that and see what happens.

the config documentation lists this...

Examples: Mani: gg_map_vote_command "ma_voterandom end 4"
// BeetlesMod: gg_map_vote_command "admin_votemaps"
// SourceMod: gg_map_vote_command "sm_map_vote"

When actually it should have been sm_mapvote.
you might want to change the documentation .

Thanks for the awesome help and a great mod. Thanks again "sm_mapvote" worked like a charm.

Re: Gungame 5 and source mod voting

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:34 am
by medwise
i have the same issue running beetlesmod using BeetlesMod: gg_map_vote_command "admin_votemaps" with es 2 and gg 5. if i turn off beetlesmod voteing, no vote ever comes up. If i turn off gun game voteing the vote does not work (but it does pop up at end of map) and the server just goes to the next map in the cycle. If i have admin_votemap option set. the vote comes up but always goes to the next map in the cycle no matter what is voted. Rtv option does work perfectly with this option, and when restarting the server the first map vote at the end of round does switch to the voted map but all end of map votes after do not.

Do i need another mod or do i need to add some command to my autoexec ?

Re: Gungame 5 and source mod voting

PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2010 9:05 pm
by xxl
i tried using sm_mapvote. it works ingame when using it as a command. but it does not work for end of map voting when used in gg_map_vote_command. please help.