by XE_ManUp » Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:50 am
GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.477
Updated on: 2010-07-13 00:12:27
Version Notes:
Revision: 477
* Corrected a slight bug that I created that said files were deleted when they weren't.
* Updated the gungame_info version check to be slightly more efficient.
- It was checking to make sure we only scanned *.py files, which is the only thing that get_file_list() returns, anyway.
- It was making sure that we did not look in the ./core/events/data directory, which contains no *.py files.
* Removed white space.
Revision: 476
* Moved old file deletion code from to this file, which executes before GunGame is fully initialized.
* Added "import es".
* Changed "ServerVar" to "es.ServerVar".
* Removed "from es import ServerVar".
* Changed "getPlayerList" to "getUseridList".
* Removed old file deletion code and imports - moved to ./core/
* Changed "getPlayerList" to "getUseridList".
* Changed "getPlayerList" to "getUseridList".
* Changed "getPlayerList" to "getUseridList" in some cases.
Revision: 475
* Added "import gamethread".
Modified : /trunk/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/gungame51/scripts/included/gg_deathmatch/
Revision: 474
* Removed the es_flags removal of the notify flag for the "nextlevel" CVAR.
Revision: 473
* Optimized the gungame_info function
* Removed unnecessary delay
Revision: 472
* Updated versioning to automatically save 5.1.<rev> in the "info.version" AddonInfo() instance.
Revision: 471
* Testing versioning theory.
Revision: 470,
* Reverted to previous versions, as it is no longer necessary to delay events due to an upcoming EventScripts release.
Revision: 469
* Removed delays on event firing.,,,
* Removed es_flags commands that removed the notify flag.
NOTE: An upcoming EventScripts release will render these temporary fixes as unnecessary. Simply trying to stay ahead of the curve.
Revision: 468
Updated language file with French translations and updated the GGThanks for a few more languages.
Revision: 467
Updated language file: gungame51/gungame.ini