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need help creating custom MOTD

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:07 am
by metalrob169
I would like to create a custom MOTD(Welcome Screen) for my GunGame5.1 server. I’ve looked all over the place for help on this subject and have had no luck in my attempts. From what I’ve been reading you need to have a file named “motd.txt” in the “…\source 2007 dedicated server\cstrike” folder. I created that file and have tried both HTML and Text based formats and nether one work. I’m not sure if the info I’m looking at is PRE-Orange Box Engine or not(not sure if that even makes a difference)but seeing how I had to update all the other important stuff to get this server back up and running I’m pretty sure that might have something to do with my problem.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:39 am
by satoon101
I'm not sure about the Steam Tools version of the dedicated server. I pretty much only use the HLDSUpdateTool version, as it has far fewer issues. There "should" already be a motd.txt file in the server's base cstrike folder. If there isn't, it "could" be that it is part of one of the .gcf files, and that it automatically uses that one instead. To get around this, you can change the filename to something else and change the value of motdfile to the name of the new file.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:08 am
by metalrob169
Unfortunately I don’t really know much about HLDSUpdateTool, I used the Source Multiplayer Dedicated Server app that’s built into steam, and seems to work pretty well for me. I have that tool you mentioned on my system but don’t have a clue how to use it. All I would like to do is add a MOTD to my welcome screen. I really don’t want to have to load something entirely new to me just to do that, seams like too much work seeing how I’ve already wasted about 3 or 4 days with playing with it to get it this far.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:15 am
by satoon101
Have you tried what I mentioned in the last part of my post?
satoon101 wrote:There "should" already be a motd.txt file in the server's base cstrike folder. If there isn't, it "could" be that it is part of one of the .gcf files, and that it automatically uses that one instead. To get around this, you can change the filename to something else and change the value of motdfile to the name of the new file.
Also, trust me, once you make the switch to using the HLDSUpdateTool, you'll never want to go back.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:43 am
by metalrob169
i accidently hit the wrong button...disregard this post :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:47 am
by metalrob169
motd.txt was'nt there, i had to make it and put it there myself....its that maybe the issue?

as far as the GCF thing, how would i find out if its part of one of those files, is there a tool or something that would allow me to view the contents on gcf's, and you kinda lost me the work around thing.

sorry for being a pain, but i'm kinda new at this whole server admin thing, i played with it in the past, but i'm just now getting into customizing my server to make it unique.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:53 am
by satoon101
It is a part of those files, that much I know. Try changing the filename, then change the value of motdfile to the name of the file. So, if your new file is named ../cstrike/my_motd.txt, you would use:
motdfile "my_motd.txt"
Put that in your server.cfg or autoexec.cfg file.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:35 pm
by metalrob169
i dont see any files named autoexec.cfg. i do see 2 files named "mani_server.cfg" and "gg_server.cfg"

i dont think "mani_server.cfg" is the one i need, when i open "gg_server.cfg" this is what i see
where do i add the the line mentioned?

// GunGame 5.1 GunGame Development Team
// gg_server.cfg
// This is a server.cfg type of file that will be loaded
// with GunGame.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:22 pm
by tnarocks
if you dont see the autoexec.cfg or server.cfg files then you have to make one yourself

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:44 pm
by metalrob169
what do i put in the file, can you give me an example of how it looks.

where do i put it? (what folder do i put it in)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:33 am
by satoon101
The autoexec.cfg will be executed on server startup "only". The server.cfg will be executed "after" the autoexec.cfg on server startup, and will also execute on every map change. As tnarocks stated, if you don't have either file, and you need one or the other, simply create the file and place it in your server's ../cfg/ directory.

The gg_server.cfg is for servers that run with GunGame "some" of the time, so that they can set certain non-GunGame server variables to different values than what they want for the non-GunGame gameplay. Most GunGame servers are purely GunGame, so they don't need to use this file at all.

For the motdfile, I would suggest using the server.cfg for that. So, create the file and put the following in it:
motdfile "my_motd.txt"
Again, where my_motd.txt is the name of the file you are using for the MOTD. Then, place that file in your ../cfg/ folder.

One common mistake when creating a .cfg file is to accidentally call it .cfg.txt. Make sure when you create it that you have "Hide extensions for known file types" disabled in Windows. This way you will see the extension of the file (should be .cfg).


Re: need help creating custom MOTD

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:54 am
by metalrob169
i started up my server so i could play a round of gungame and for some reason it decided to load my motd.txt file.
so i decided to see if i could modify it to suit my server...this is the outcome

thanks for all the help guys :)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 4:58 am
by satoon101
Sweet, glad you got that working.
