ConVarRef eventscripts_gg5 doesn't point to an existing ConVar
SetConVar: No such cvar ( eventscripts_gg5 set to 5.1.454), skipping
ConVarRef eventscripts_gg doesn't point to an existing ConVar
SetConVar: No such cvar ( eventscripts_gg set to 5.1.454), skipping
ConVarRef es_corelib_ver doesn't point to an existing ConVar
SetConVar: No such cvar ( es_corelib_ver set to, skipping
ConVarRef spe_version_var doesn't point to an existing ConVar
SetConVar: No such cvar ( spe_version_var set to 1.5.0f r75), skipping
Hey guys, i had to restart my server from scratch, and i see that a new gungame 5.1 was released for the new css update. what are the steps i need to take to install gungame51 into my server, assuming i have no prior gungame installed anywere.
I tried to do it myself, but the download did not come with any gungame configs, and when i put all the addons/sounds etc. into the corrosponding folders and added gungame51 to my autoexec, the server wouldnt startup.
Other than the gungame5.1 download, and event scripts, what other stuff do i need to download ? And where do i find the gungame.cfg files (i believe its called gg_en_config) , its nowhere to be found in any of my folders for my server.