Thanks for dropping by the way Dagger
it was greatly appreciated. As you could see, most of my maps are gg maps. I haven't seen it happening all week, not that I was on it though all the time but last night it did happen again and it is not in some particular map, it is very random, it can happen in any maps.
These are some of the maps I have seen it happen that I remember of. They are others but I am having a brain fart
You would think be re-applying new GG51 update version it would solve the issue but it doesn't. When I installed the new GG5 version, I have re-downloaded everything back from steam, install GG5.1, EventScripts v2.0.0.252, and re-installed mani 1.2t that I replaced with 1.2U. The only thing I haven't updated and have been the same, id the EventScripts v2.0.0.252. Could this have to do anything with it? The only thing I see after all those updates, is that it seems to not occur as often as when I did the first install.