There is not a gg_setlevel command included, although the python code for setting a player's level is relatively easy to do:
from gungame51.core.players.shortcuts import Player
# Loop through all players and set their level to 1
def set_to_one():
for userid in es.getUseridList():
Player(userid).level = 1
Another example:
from gungame51.core.players.shortcuts import setAttribute
def set_to_one():
setAttribute("#all", "level", 1)
Beyond that, you would have to use the
es.regcmd() function to register the command
gg_setlevel_all to execute the
set_to_one() functions above:
import es
def load():
es.regcmd("gg_setlevel_all", "script_name/set_to_one", "Sets every player's level to level 1")
This is a quick and poor example, but it should work.