Here are the events that are currently tracked:
//=========== (C) Copyright 2008 GunGame 5 All rights reserved. ===========
// Events triggered by GunGame mod version 1.0.432
// No spaces in event names, max length 32
// All strings are case sensitive
// total game event byte length must be < 1024
// valid data key types are:
// none : value is not networked
// string : a zero terminated string
// bool : unsigned int, 1 bit
// byte : unsigned int, 8 bit
// short : signed int, 16 bit
// long : signed int, 32 bit
// float : float, 32 bit
"attacker" "short" // The userid of the player that leveled up
"leveler" "short" // The userid of the player that is leveling
"userid" "short" // The userid of victim
"old_level" "byte" // The old level of the player that leveled up
"new_level" "byte" // The new level of the player that leveled up
"reason" "string" // The reason for the level up
"userid" "short" // The userid of player that is leveling down
"leveler" "short" // The userid of the player that is leveling
"attacker" "short" // The userid of the attacker
"old_level" "byte" // The old level of the player that leveled down
"new_level" "byte" // The new level of the player that leveled down
"reason" "string" // The reason for the level down
"attacker" "short" // The userid of the player that stole the level
"attacker_level" "byte" // The new level of the player that stole the level
"userid" "short" // The userid of victim
"userid_level" "byte" // The new level of the victim
"userid" "short" // The userid of the leader that lost a level
"leveler" "short" // The userid of the player that is leveling
"userid" "short" // The userid of the player that became the new leader
"leveler" "short" // The userid of the player that leveled up to become the new leader
"leaders" "string" // String of current leaders' userids separated by "," e.g. "2,7,9"
"old_leaders" "string" // String of old userids separated by "," e.g. "2,7,9"
"leader_level" "short" // The current leader's level
"userid" "short" // The userid of the player that tied the leader(s)
"leveler" "short" // The userid of the player that leveled up to tie then leaders
"leaders" "string" // String of current leaders' userids separated by "," e.g. "2,7,9"
"old_leaders" "string" // String of old leaders' userids separated by "," e.g. "2,7,9"
"leader_level" "short" // The current leader's level
"userid" "short" // The userid of the leader that lost a level
"leveler" "short" // The userid of the player that is leveling
"leaders" "string" // String of current leaders' userids separated by "," e.g. "2,7,9"
"old_leaders" "string" // String of old leaders' userids separated by "," e.g. "2,7,9"
"leader_level" "short" // The current leader's level
// Fires at the end of the warmup round
// Fires on es_map_start if there is no warmup round
// Fires when a vote starts
"attacker" "short" // The userid of the player that won
"winner" "short" // The userid of the player that won
"userid" "short" // The userid of the victim that "gave up" the win
"loser" "short" // The userid of the victim that "gave up" the win
"round" "bool" // 1 if the winner of the round, 0 if the winner of the map
// Fires at the end of a map when there is no winner
// Fires when gungame is successfully loaded
// Fires when gungame is successfully unloaded
"addon" "string" // The name of the addon that was loaded
"type" "string" // The type of addon that was loaded (included or custom)
"addon" "string" // The name of the addon that was unloaded
"type" "string" // The type of addon that was unloaded (included or custom)
While there is no exact equivalent of gg_knife_level, you can always use gg_levelup with checking to see if the level weapon is knife to achieve the same thing.
As for gg_leader, notice there is not only gg_new_leader, but gg_tied_leader as well.