// ****************************************************************************
// * gg_convert.cfg -- Convert Configuration *
// * *
// * This file defines GunGame Addon settings. *
// * *
// * Note: Any alteration of this file requires a *
// * server restart or a reload of GunGame. *
// ****************************************************************************
// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================
// Description:
// A tool used to convert gungame 3, 4 and 5 (prior to 5.1) winner databases
// & spawnpoint files.
// Instructions:
// * Place a copy of your winners database or spawnpoint files in this
// folder:
// ../cfg/gungame51/converter/
// * Database files include:
// GunGame3: es_gg_winners_db.txt
// GunGame4: es_gg_database.sqldb
// GunGame5: winnersdata.db
// Note:
// GunGame5.0 SpawnPoint files have not been changed in GunGame5.1.
// (Simply drag them to ../cfg/gungame51/spawnpoints/)
// Options:
// 0 = (Disabled)
// 1 = (Enabled) Add together the current and converted wins for each player
// and combine spawnpoints.
// 2 = (Enabled) Replace the current winners and spawnpoints with the
// converted ones.
// Default Value: 0
// Enables/Disables gg_convert.
gg_convert 0